About Me

I am a full-stack developer. Coding is my passion and I am proficient in writing HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, and React. I am a recent graduate of the General Assembly Software Engineering Immersive Course.

My focus is to continue developing my skills with more programming languages and to write fully-functional, organized code.

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My Projects


Project Connect

An application designed by a UX team and developed by myself and a team of software engineering students. This application is designed to unite creative minds to share projects that are in need of collaboration.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Express, REACT, MongoDB, JWT User Authentication

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PC Manager

A RESTful organizer application to keep track of PC hardware when building a PC.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Express, REACT, MongoDB, Session-Based User Authentication

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Japan Travel Guide

A blog application created as a guide to those interested in traveling to Japan.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Express, REACT, MongoDB, JWT User Authentication

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A mock Jeopardy web application containing questions and answers from the Jeopardy game show. The application fetches the third-party jservice API.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, REACT

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